If you’re looking to infuse your design projects with a free-spirited and unconventional aesthetic, the boho color palette might be just what you need. With its rich earthy tones, vibrant jewel tones, and playful pops of color, this palette captures the bohemian spirit that is popular in fashion, home decor, and graphic design. Whether you’re looking to create a cozy and inviting space or add some bohemian flair to your designs, the boho color palette offers a wide range of options to explore.
About boho colors
Boho colors are a combination of rich earthy tones, vibrant jewel tones, and playful pops of color that capture the free-spirited and unconventional aesthetic of the bohemian lifestyle. Earthy tones like rust, mustard, and terracotta are commonly used in boho design to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. These colors are often paired with vibrant jewel tones like deep blues, emerald greens, and ruby reds, which add a bold and dramatic flair to the palette. Playful pops of color like hot pink, sunny yellow, and tangerine orange are also common in boho design, adding a whimsical and eclectic touch to the overall aesthetic.
The boho color palette draws inspiration from the natural world, incorporating shades that are reminiscent of sunsets, deserts, and forests. Additionally, the use of bright and bold colors in boho design is a reflection of the bohemian lifestyle, which is characterized by a love of adventure, freedom, and self-expression.
Boho colors are popular in fashion, home decor, and graphic design. In fashion, boho colors are often used in flowy dresses, embroidered tops, and fringe accessories. In home decor, boho colors are used to create cozy and inviting spaces with a laid-back vibe. And in graphic design, boho colors are often used in branding and marketing materials for businesses that want to convey a bohemian and unconventional image.
Overall, the boho color palette is a versatile and expressive option that can be used to create designs that are warm, inviting, and full of personality. Whether you’re drawn to earthy tones, vibrant jewel tones, or playful pops of color, the boho color palette offers a wide range of options to explore.
Boho color palette is a great way for adding bohemian style to any design project. These colors are perfect for creating a relaxed, laid back look that will fit in well with many different styles.
Note- Every swatch has five types of color codes which are Hex, RGB, CMYK, LAB and HSB.
These codes are in the table below.
1. Modern blue pink boho color palette

Color values (from left to right)
Swatch 1
RGB: 242 182 182
CMYK: 2 33 18 0
LAB: 80 22 9
HSB: 0 25 95
Swatch 2
HEX: 1E3859
RGB: 30 56 89
CMYK: 95 79 40 32
LAB: 23 -1 -23
HSB: 214 66 35
Swatch 3
HEX: E2938C
RGB: 226 147 140
CMYK: 9 49 37 0
LAB: 69 30 17
HSB: 5 38 89
Swatch 4
RGB: 242 203 189
CMYK: 4 22 21 0
LAB: 85 13 12
HSB: 16 22 95
Swatch 5
HEX: F28888
RGB: 242 136 136
CMYK: 1 58 35 0
LAB: 69 41 19
HSB: 0 44 95
2. Aesthetic modern boho color combination

Color values (from left to right)
Swatch 1
HEX: 2B2840
RGB: 43 40 64
CMYK: 83 81 47 50
LAB: 17 6 -15
HSB: 248 38 25
Swatch 2
HEX: BF9341
RGB: 191 147 65
CMYK: 25 41 89 3
LAB: 64 11 49
HSB: 39 66 75
Swatch 3
RGB: 223 210 193
CMYK: 12 15 22 0
LAB: 85 3 10
HSB: 34 13 87
Swatch 4
RGB: 217 170 143
CMYK: 15 35 43 0
LAB: 73 15 21
HSB: 22 34 85
Swatch 5
HEX: A63737
RGB: 166 55 55
CMYK: 24 90 80 16
LAB: 40 46 27
HSB: 0 67 65
3. Deep contrast color palette

Color values (from left to right)
Swatch 1
HEX: 26131A
RGB: 38 19 26
CMYK: 64 76 61 78
LAB: 9 11 -1
HSB: 338 50 15
Swatch 2
HEX: 59253D
RGB: 89 37 61
CMYK: 51 87 51 46
LAB: 23 27 -3
HSB: 332 58 35
Swatch 3
HEX: F28D35
RGB: 242 141 53
CMYK: 2 53 90 0
LAB: 69 35 61
HSB: 28 78 95
Swatch 4
HEX: A63F03
RGB: 166 63 3
CMYK: 24 84 100 18
LAB: 41 42 52
HSB: 22 98 65
Swatch 5
HEX: A67772
RGB: 166 119 114
CMYK: 33 55 49 7
LAB: 55 18 10
HSB: 6 31 65
4. Pastel pink and brown boho color palette

Color values (from left to right)
Swatch 1
RGB: 242 196 196
CMYK: 3 26 14 0
LAB: 83 17 7
HSB: 0 19 95
Swatch 2
RGB: 172 142 134
CMYK: 33 44 43 2
LAB: 62 11 9
HSB: 13 22 67
Swatch 3
RGB: 242 235 220
CMYK: 4 5 13 0
LAB: 93 1 8
HSB: 41 9 95
Swatch 4
HEX: D98B79
RGB: 217 139 121
CMYK: 13 53 49 0
LAB: 66 29 23
HSB: 11 44 85
Swatch 5
RGB: 166 111 106
CMYK: 32 60 52 8
LAB: 53 22 12
HSB: 5 36 65
5. Boho color combination with hex codes

Color values (from left to right)
Swatch 1
HEX: 025E73
RGB: 2 94 115
CMYK: 93 53 41 18
LAB: 36 -18 -19
HSB: 191 98 45
Swatch 2
HEX: 568C7D
RGB: 86 140 125
CMYK: 69 29 54 6
LAB: 54 -21 2
HSB: 163 39 55
Swatch 3
HEX: F29422
RGB: 242 148 34
CMYK: 2 49 98 0
LAB: 70 31 69
HSB: 33 86 95
Swatch 4
HEX: D9501E
RGB: 217 80 30
CMYK: 10 82 100 2
LAB: 53 53 56
HSB: 16 86 85
Swatch 5
RGB: 242 177 162
CMYK: 2 36 30 0
LAB: 78 23 18
HSB: 11 33 95
6. Dark bohemian color palette

Color values (from left to right)
Swatch 1
HEX: 8C0B23
RGB: 140 11 35
CMYK: 27 100 87 30
LAB: 30 51 25
HSB: 349 92 55
Swatch 2
HEX: 400E1B
RGB: 64 14 27
CMYK: 49 85 65 70
LAB: 13 25 5
HSB: 344 78 25
Swatch 3
HEX: 032620
RGB: 3 38 32
CMYK: 85 57 71 73
LAB: 13 -14 0
HSB: 170 92 15
Swatch 4
HEX: A69886
RGB: 166 152 134
CMYK: 36 36 47 2
LAB: 64 3 11
HSB: 34 19 65
Swatch 5
RGB: 191 123 63
CMYK: 22 56 86 5
LAB: 58 23 43
HSB: 28 67 75
7. Light cute color palette

Color values (from left to right)
Swatch 1
RGB: 217 215 215
CMYK: 14 11 11 0
LAB: 86 1 0
HSB: 0 1 85
Swatch 2
HEX: 69898C
RGB: 105 137 140
CMYK: 62 35 40 5
LAB: 55 -11 -6
HSB: 185 25 55
Swatch 3
RGB: 242 190 92
CMYK: 5 26 75 0
LAB: 80 12 56
HSB: 39 62 95
Swatch 4
HEX: F28D77
RGB: 242 141 119
CMYK: 1 55 49 0
LAB: 69 38 29
HSB: 11 51 95
Swatch 5
HEX: F26457
RGB: 242 100 87
CMYK: 0 76 64 0
LAB: 61 55 37
HSB: 5 64 95
8. Blue color combination

Color values (from left to right)
Swatch 1
RGB: 242 208 215
CMYK: 3 20 6 0
LAB: 87 13 1
HSB: 348 14 95
Swatch 2
HEX: 021F59
RGB: 2 31 89
CMYK: 100 93 33 33
LAB: 13 11 -39
HSB: 220 98 35
Swatch 3
HEX: 124E73
RGB: 18 78 115
CMYK: 96 69 33 16
LAB: 31 -8 -27
HSB: 203 84 45
Swatch 4
HEX: BF9969
RGB: 191 153 105
CMYK: 25 38 65 2
LAB: 66 10 31
HSB: 33 45 75
Swatch 5
RGB: 217 210 208
CMYK: 14 14 14 0
LAB: 85 2 2
HSB: 13 4 85
9. Attractive blue color palette

Color values (from left to right)
Swatch 1
RGB: 223 180 164
CMYK: 12 31 31 0
LAB: 77 14 14
HSB: 16 26 87
Swatch 2
HEX: 165873
RGB: 22 88 115
CMYK: 92 59 38 18
LAB: 35 -13 -22
HSB: 197 81 45
Swatch 3
HEX: 32A69A
RGB: 50 166 154
CMYK: 75 13 46 0
LAB: 62 -35 -4
HSB: 174 70 65
Swatch 4
RGB: 242 182 109
CMYK: 4 31 65 0
LAB: 78 17 46
HSB: 33 55 95
Swatch 5
HEX: 176890
RGB: 23 104 144
CMYK: 90 55 25 5
LAB: 41 -13 -29
HSB: 200 84 56
10. Colorful deep bohemian color palette

Color values (from left to right)
Swatch 1
HEX: 8C0B16
RGB: 140 11 22
CMYK: 27 100 100 30
LAB: 30 50 33
HSB: 355 92 55
Swatch 2
HEX: A6976A
RGB: 166 151 106
CMYK: 36 35 66 4
LAB: 63 1 26
HSB: 45 36 65
Swatch 3
HEX: 594B1E
RGB: 89 75 30
CMYK: 53 55 100 43
LAB: 33 2 28
HSB: 46 66 35
Swatch 4
HEX: F2A679
RGB: 242 166 121
CMYK: 2 40 54 0
LAB: 75 25 35
HSB: 22 50 95
Swatch 5
HEX: F26835
RGB: 242 104 53
CMYK: 0 73 88 0
LAB: 62 52 55
HSB: 16 78 95
11. Light boho pink and green pastel color palette

Color values (from left to right)
Swatch 1
HEX: 7B8C86
RGB: 123 140 134
CMYK: 55 36 45 5
LAB: 57 -7 1
HSB: 159 12 55
Swatch 2
RGB: 199 217 204
CMYK: 22 6 20 0
LAB: 85 -8 4
HSB: 137 8 85
Swatch 3
RGB: 242 213 187
CMYK: 4 16 25 0
LAB: 87 8 17
HSB: 28 23 95
Swatch 4
RGB: 242 201 187
CMYK: 4 23 21 0
LAB: 84 13 13
HSB: 15 23 95
Swatch 5
HEX: D98B79
RGB: 217 139 121
CMYK: 13 53 49 0
LAB: 66 29 23
HSB: 11 44 85
12. Pink and green color palette

Color values (from left to right)
Swatch 1
RGB: 242 216 216
CMYK: 3 16 9 0
LAB: 89 9 3
HSB: 0 11 95
Swatch 2
HEX: A66370
RGB: 166 99 112
CMYK: 33 69 43 7
LAB: 50 29 5
HSB: 348 40 65
Swatch 3
RGB: 187 191 159
CMYK: 29 17 41 0
LAB: 76 -6 16
HSB: 68 17 75
Swatch 4
HEX: 3B4016
RGB: 59 64 22
CMYK: 65 52 97 54
LAB: 26 -7 24
HSB: 67 66 25
Swatch 5
HEX: A68877
RGB: 166 136 119
CMYK: 35 45 51 5
LAB: 59 10 14
HSB: 22 28 65
for more color palettes visit our website.
In conclusion, the boho color palette is a versatile and expressive option for anyone looking to infuse their design projects with a free-spirited and unconventional aesthetic. This palette draws inspiration from the natural world, incorporating shades that are reminiscent of sunsets, deserts, and forests. The use of rich earthy tones, vibrant jewel tones, and playful pops of color creates a warm and inviting atmosphere while capturing the bohemian spirit that is popular in fashion, home decor, and graphic design. Whether you’re drawn to the earthy and warm hues or the bold and playful pops of color, the boho color palette offers a wide range of options to explore. By incorporating these colors into your designs, you can create a unique and expressive style that captures the free-spirited and unconventional vibe of the bohemian lifestyle.