You are currently viewing 21 Marine Blue Color Palettes to Inspire
Marine blue color palette

Marine blue is a deep and rich color that can add a touch of elegance to any design. With 21 different marine blue color palettes to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect shade to suit your needs. Whether you’re looking for a bold and dramatic look or something more subtle and understated, these palettes offer a wide range of options. From navy to teal, there’s a marine blue color palette for every style and taste.

Marine blue is a rich and deep shade of blue that is often associated with the sea and nautical themes. It is a color that can evoke a sense of calm and tranquility, while also being bold and striking.

One of the defining characteristics of marine blue is its versatility. It can range from a dark navy blue to a more muted and grayish-blue, depending on the specific hue. This makes it a popular choice for a variety of design styles, from classic and traditional to modern and contemporary.

In interior design, marine blue can be used to create a sense of depth and richness in a room. It pairs well with other blues, greens, and neutrals, as well as metallic accents like brass and gold. It can be used as an accent color in accessories like throw pillows or as a statement color on walls or furniture.

In fashion, marine blue is a classic color that is often associated with the preppy and nautical styles. It pairs well with white, red, and other shades of blue, making it a versatile choice for both casual and dressy occasions.

Marine blue hex code inspiration
Marine blue hex code inspiration

Color values (from left to right)

Swatch 1
HEX: A65179
RGB: 166 81 121
CMYK: 35 80 31 4
LAB: 46 39 -6
HSB: 332 51 65

Swatch 2
HEX: 024959
RGB: 2 73 89
CMYK: 95 60 48 33
LAB: 28 -16 -15
HSB: 191 98 35

Swatch 3
HEX: 03738C
RGB: 3 115 140
CMYK: 89 44 34 7
LAB: 44 -21 -22
HSB: 191 98 55

Swatch 4
RGB: 4 173 191
CMYK: 75 9 24 0
LAB: 64 -33 -20
HSB: 186 98 75

Swatch 5
RGB: 4 191 191
CMYK: 71 0 31 0
LAB: 70 -41 -12
HSB: 180 98 75

Marine blue color combinations
Marine blue color combinations

Color values (from left to right)

Swatch 1
HEX: 0D1440
RGB: 13 20 64
CMYK: 100 96 40 50
LAB: 8 11 -30
HSB: 232 80 25

Swatch 2
RGB: 15 109 191
CMYK: 87 56 0 0
LAB: 45 -1 -51
HSB: 208 92 75

Swatch 3
HEX: 16558C
RGB: 22 85 140
CMYK: 96 71 20 5
LAB: 35 -4 -37
HSB: 208 84 55

Swatch 4
HEX: 3285A6
RGB: 50 133 166
CMYK: 80 37 24 1
LAB: 52 -18 -25
HSB: 197 70 65

Swatch 5
RGB: 242 229 46
CMYK: 8 2 93 0
LAB: 90 -9 81
HSB: 56 81 95

Marine blue color palette ideas
Marine blue color palette ideas

Color values (from left to right)

Swatch 1
HEX: 011640
RGB: 1 22 64
CMYK: 100 92 38 53
LAB: 8 7 -30
HSB: 220 98 25

Swatch 2
HEX: 023859
RGB: 2 56 89
CMYK: 100 78 40 32
LAB: 22 -6 -25
HSB: 203 98 35

Swatch 3
HEX: 025E73
RGB: 2 94 115
CMYK: 93 53 41 18
LAB: 36 -18 -19
HSB: 191 98 45

Swatch 4
HEX: 037E8C
RGB: 3 126 140
CMYK: 86 35 39 6
LAB: 48 -26 -16
HSB: 186 98 55

Swatch 5
RGB: 4 173 191
CMYK: 75 9 24 0
LAB: 64 -33 -20
HSB: 186 98 75

Marine blue color shades
Marine blue color shades

Color values (from left to right)

Swatch 1
HEX: 466C8C
RGB: 70 108 140
CMYK: 78 53 29 7
LAB: 44 -7 -22
HSB: 207 50 55

Swatch 2
RGB: 163 191 217
CMYK: 35 16 6 0
LAB: 76 -5 -16
HSB: 209 25 85

Swatch 3
RGB: 13 13 13
CMYK: 74 67 66 85
LAB: 4 0 0
HSB: 0 0 5

Swatch 4
HEX: 5897A6
RGB: 88 151 166
CMYK: 67 27 31 1
LAB: 59 -18 -15
HSB: 192 47 65

Swatch 5
HEX: 19736A
RGB: 25 115 106
CMYK: 86 36 59 16
LAB: 43 -28 -3
HSB: 174 78 45

Marine blue hex color codes
Marine blue hex color codes

Color values (from left to right)

Swatch 1
HEX: 28402E
RGB: 40 64 46
CMYK: 77 49 78 54
LAB: 25 -13 8
HSB: 135 38 25

Swatch 2
HEX: 5E7358
RGB: 94 115 88
CMYK: 64 38 69 20
LAB: 46 -12 12
HSB: 107 23 45

Swatch 3
RGB: 185 191 180
CMYK: 28 18 28 0
LAB: 76 -4 5
HSB: 93 6 75

Swatch 4
RGB: 242 239 233
CMYK: 4 4 6 0
LAB: 95 0 3
HSB: 40 4 95

Swatch 5
RGB: 191 143 115
CMYK: 25 45 56 2
LAB: 64 16 22
HSB: 22 40 75

Marine blue color tones
Marine blue color tones

Color values (from left to right)

Swatch 1
HEX: 0367A6
RGB: 3 103 166
CMYK: 92 59 9 0
LAB: 41 -7 -42
HSB: 203 98 65

Swatch 2
HEX: 006370
RGB: 0 99 112
CMYK: 91 47 46 19
LAB: 38 -22 -15
HSB: 187 100 44

Swatch 3
HEX: 025959
RGB: 2 89 89
CMYK: 91 46 58 30
LAB: 33 -23 -7
HSB: 180 98 35

Swatch 4
HEX: 02734A
RGB: 2 115 74
CMYK: 89 31 85 19
LAB: 42 -37 15
HSB: 158 98 45

Swatch 5
HEX: 025939
RGB: 2 89 57
CMYK: 90 38 87 36
LAB: 33 -31 12
HSB: 158 98 35

Marine blue color code numbers
Marine blue color code numbers

Color values (from left to right)

Swatch 1
HEX: 022859
RGB: 2 40 89
CMYK: 100 89 35 33
LAB: 16 5 -34
HSB: 214 98 35

Swatch 2
HEX: 022340
RGB: 2 35 64
CMYK: 100 83 45 52
LAB: 13 -2 -22
HSB: 208 97 25

Swatch 3
HEX: 6997BF
RGB: 105 151 191
CMYK: 61 32 11 0
LAB: 60 -8 -26
HSB: 208 45 75

Swatch 4
HEX: 011826
RGB: 1 24 38
CMYK: 89 74 57 71
LAB: 7 -4 -13
HSB: 203 97 15

Swatch 5
HEX: F2C299
RGB: 242 194 153
CMYK: 4 26 41 0
LAB: 82 14 28
HSB: 28 37 95

Marine blue color numbers
Marine blue color numbers

Color values (from left to right)

Swatch 1
RGB: 197 204 217
CMYK: 22 15 8 0
LAB: 82 -1 -7
HSB: 219 9 85

Swatch 2
RGB: 106 143 166
CMYK: 62 35 25 1
LAB: 57 -9 -17
HSB: 203 36 65

Swatch 3
HEX: 176273
RGB: 23 98 115
CMYK: 89 50 43 18
LAB: 38 -18 -16
HSB: 191 80 45

Swatch 4
HEX: 1E403C
RGB: 30 64 60
CMYK: 84 53 65 50
LAB: 24 -14 -2
HSB: 173 53 25

Swatch 5
HEX: 688C86
RGB: 104 140 134
CMYK: 62 33 46 5
LAB: 55 -14 -1
HSB: 170 26 55

Marine blue color scheme inspiration
Marine blue color scheme inspiration

Color values (from left to right)

Swatch 1
HEX: 00010D
RGB: 0 1 13
CMYK: 78 71 62 85
LAB: 0 1 -5
HSB: 235 100 5

Swatch 2
HEX: 010B40
RGB: 1 11 64
CMYK: 100 95 37 53
LAB: 5 14 -35
HSB: 230 98 25

Swatch 3
HEX: 023E73
RGB: 2 62 115
CMYK: 100 83 29 15
LAB: 25 0 -36
HSB: 208 98 45

Swatch 4
RGB: 61 157 242
CMYK: 65 30 0 0
LAB: 62 -7 -52
HSB: 208 75 95

Swatch 5
HEX: 8C520B
RGB: 140 82 11
CMYK: 33 67 100 27
LAB: 41 21 47
HSB: 33 92 55

Marine blue hex swatches
Marine blue hex swatches

Color values (from left to right)

Swatch 1
HEX: 0554F2
RGB: 5 84 242
CMYK: 84 67 0 0
LAB: 41 31 -86
HSB: 220 98 95

Swatch 2
HEX: 034AA6
RGB: 3 74 166
CMYK: 99 81 0 0
LAB: 32 11 -56
HSB: 214 98 65

Swatch 3
HEX: 056CF2
RGB: 5 108 242
CMYK: 81 59 0 0
LAB: 47 16 -76
HSB: 214 98 95

Swatch 4
HEX: 0597F2
RGB: 5 151 242
CMYK: 72 33 0 0
LAB: 60 -8 -56
HSB: 203 98 95

Swatch 5
RGB: 16 191 10
CMYK: 76 0 100 0
LAB: 67 -63 64
HSB: 118 95 75

Marine blue color palette
Marine blue color palette

Color values (from left to right)

Swatch 1
HEX: 1E4959
RGB: 30 73 89
CMYK: 90 62 47 33
LAB: 29 -11 -14
HSB: 196 66 35

Swatch 2
RGB: 43 123 140
CMYK: 82 39 37 7
LAB: 47 -21 -17
HSB: 191 69 55

Swatch 3
RGB: 137 202 217
CMYK: 44 4 13 0
LAB: 77 -19 -14
HSB: 191 37 85

Swatch 4
RGB: 84 181 191
CMYK: 64 9 25 0
LAB: 68 -28 -14
HSB: 186 56 75

Swatch 5
HEX: D99B77
RGB: 217 155 119
CMYK: 14 43 55 0
LAB: 69 21 29
HSB: 22 45 85

Marine blue color shade swatches
Marine blue color shade swatches

Color values (from left to right)

Swatch 1
HEX: 0378A6
RGB: 3 120 166
CMYK: 87 45 17 1
LAB: 47 -16 -33
HSB: 197 98 65

Swatch 2
RGB: 4 157 191
CMYK: 78 20 17 0
LAB: 59 -26 -28
HSB: 191 98 75

Swatch 3
RGB: 139 202 217
CMYK: 44 5 13 0
LAB: 78 -18 -14
HSB: 192 36 85

Swatch 4
RGB: 217 178 156
CMYK: 15 31 36 0
LAB: 76 12 17
HSB: 22 28 85

Swatch 5
HEX: 8C533E
RGB: 140 83 62
CMYK: 34 68 75 25
LAB: 42 23 23
HSB: 16 56 55

Marine blue hex codes
Marine blue hex codes

Color values (from left to right)

Swatch 1
HEX: 070A40
RGB: 7 10 64
CMYK: 100 96 37 53
LAB: 5 16 -34
HSB: 237 89 25

Swatch 2
HEX: 0D1273
RGB: 13 18 115
CMYK: 100 98 21 19
LAB: 13 30 -56
HSB: 237 89 45

Swatch 3
HEX: 0B0F59
RGB: 11 15 89
CMYK: 100 98 27 36
LAB: 9 23 -45
HSB: 237 88 35

Swatch 4
HEX: 3037BF
RGB: 48 55 191
CMYK: 88 83 0 0
LAB: 31 35 -73
HSB: 237 75 75

Swatch 5
RGB: 242 242 242
CMYK: 4 2 2 0
LAB: 96 0 0
HSB: 0 0 95

Marine blue tones and shades
Marine blue tones and shades

Color values (from left to right)

Swatch 1
HEX: 103B73
RGB: 16 59 115
CMYK: 100 85 28 14
LAB: 25 3 -37
HSB: 214 86 45

Swatch 2
HEX: 051726
RGB: 5 23 38
CMYK: 89 76 56 71
LAB: 7 -3 -13
HSB: 207 87 15

Swatch 3
RGB: 162 220 242
CMYK: 33 0 2 0
LAB: 84 -15 -17
HSB: 197 33 95

Swatch 4
HEX: 32A6A6
RGB: 50 166 166
CMYK: 75 14 38 0
LAB: 62 -33 -10
HSB: 180 70 65

Swatch 5
RGB: 242 94 94
CMYK: 0 78 58 0
LAB: 60 58 32
HSB: 0 61 95

Marine blue color palette code
Marine blue color palette code

Color values (from left to right)

Swatch 1
RGB: 199 207 217
CMYK: 21 13 9 0
LAB: 83 -1 -6
HSB: 213 8 85

Swatch 2
HEX: 325573
RGB: 50 85 115
CMYK: 87 64 36 17
LAB: 35 -6 -21
HSB: 208 57 45

Swatch 3
HEX: 6387A6
RGB: 99 135 166
CMYK: 66 40 22 1
LAB: 55 -7 -21
HSB: 208 40 65

Swatch 4
RGB: 167 193 217
CMYK: 34 16 6 0
LAB: 77 -5 -15
HSB: 209 23 85

Swatch 5
RGB: 242 242 242
CMYK: 4 2 2 0
LAB: 96 0 0
HSB: 0 0 95

Marine blue HTML color values
Marine blue HTML color values

Color values (from left to right)

Swatch 1
HEX: 171626
RGB: 23 22 38
CMYK: 83 78 54 71
LAB: 8 4 -11
HSB: 244 42 15

Swatch 2
HEX: 273A73
RGB: 39 58 115
CMYK: 98 88 26 13
LAB: 25 8 -36
HSB: 225 66 45

Swatch 3
RGB: 216 227 242
CMYK: 13 6 0 0
LAB: 90 -2 -9
HSB: 215 11 95

Swatch 4
HEX: 0477BF
RGB: 4 119 191
CMYK: 86 48 0 0
LAB: 47 -7 -46
HSB: 203 98 75

Swatch 5
RGB: 98 171 217
CMYK: 59 19 2 0
LAB: 67 -14 -31
HSB: 203 55 85

Marine blue color swatches
Marine blue color swatches

Color values (from left to right)

Swatch 1
HEX: 012E40
RGB: 1 46 64
CMYK: 97 72 51 52
LAB: 17 -9 -16
HSB: 197 98 25

Swatch 2
HEX: 024959
RGB: 2 73 89
CMYK: 95 60 48 33
LAB: 28 -16 -15
HSB: 191 98 35

Swatch 3
RGB: 242 216 194
CMYK: 4 15 22 0
LAB: 88 7 14
HSB: 28 20 95

Swatch 4
HEX: 8C0303
RGB: 140 3 3
CMYK: 27 100 100 31
LAB: 29 51 42
HSB: 0 98 55

Swatch 5
HEX: 260101
RGB: 38 1 1
CMYK: 56 76 69 82
LAB: 4 17 6
HSB: 0 97 15

Marine blue color values
Marine blue color values

Color values (from left to right)

Swatch 1
RGB: 21 78 191
CMYK: 90 75 0 0
LAB: 36 18 -65
HSB: 220 89 75

Swatch 2
HEX: 20448C
RGB: 32 68 140
CMYK: 99 85 13 2
LAB: 29 8 -45
HSB: 220 77 55

Swatch 3
HEX: 448FF2
RGB: 68 143 242
CMYK: 67 40 0 0
LAB: 58 2 -58
HSB: 214 72 95

Swatch 4
RGB: 128 189 242
CMYK: 45 14 0 0
LAB: 74 -10 -33
HSB: 208 47 95

Swatch 5
RGB: 166 91 27
CMYK: 27 69 100 16
LAB: 47 28 48
HSB: 28 84 65

Marine blue color palette numbers
Marine blue color palette numbers

Color values (from left to right)

Swatch 1
HEX: 010D26
RGB: 1 13 38
CMYK: 89 80 55 71
LAB: 4 2 -18
HSB: 221 97 15

Swatch 2
HEX: 032859
RGB: 3 40 89
CMYK: 100 89 35 32
LAB: 16 5 -34
HSB: 214 97 35

Swatch 3
HEX: 4E84A6
RGB: 78 132 166
CMYK: 73 40 22 1
LAB: 53 -11 -24
HSB: 203 53 65

Swatch 4
RGB: 163 201 217
CMYK: 35 10 10 0
LAB: 78 -10 -12
HSB: 198 25 85

Swatch 5
HEX: 59302D
RGB: 89 48 45
CMYK: 44 75 69 52
LAB: 25 19 10
HSB: 4 49 35

Marine blue HTML color codes
Marine blue HTML color codes

Color values (from left to right)

Swatch 1
RGB: 240 240 242
CMYK: 4 3 2 0
LAB: 95 0 -1
HSB: 240 1 95

Swatch 2
HEX: 2C4A73
RGB: 44 74 115
CMYK: 91 74 31 16
LAB: 31 -1 -27
HSB: 215 62 45

Swatch 3
HEX: 517EA6
RGB: 81 126 166
CMYK: 73 45 18 1
LAB: 51 -7 -27
HSB: 208 51 65

Swatch 4
HEX: 325A73
RGB: 50 90 115
CMYK: 85 59 38 17
LAB: 36 -9 -19
HSB: 203 57 45

Swatch 5
RGB: 136 170 191
CMYK: 48 24 17 0
LAB: 67 -8 -15
HSB: 203 29 75

Marine blue color scheme
Marine blue color scheme

Color values (from left to right)

Swatch 1
HEX: 8C273A
RGB: 140 39 58
CMYK: 31 94 69 27
LAB: 33 44 14
HSB: 349 72 55

Swatch 2
RGB: 191 214 214
CMYK: 24 7 13 0
LAB: 84 -8 -3
HSB: 180 11 84

Swatch 3
RGB: 170 191 189
CMYK: 34 16 24 0
LAB: 76 -8 -2
HSB: 174 11 75

Swatch 4
HEX: 3F403A
RGB: 63 64 58
CMYK: 66 58 65 50
LAB: 27 -1 4
HSB: 70 9 25

Swatch 5
HEX: 736866
RGB: 115 104 102
CMYK: 53 53 51 18
LAB: 45 4 3
HSB: 9 11 45

In conclusion, marine blue is a timeless and elegant color that can add a touch of sophistication to any design. With a wide range of marine blue color palettes available, you can easily find the perfect shade to match your vision. Whether you’re looking for a bold statement or a subtle accent, marine blue is a versatile choice that can help you achieve your desired look. So why not explore the many possibilities of this beautiful color and see how it can enhance your designs?

for more color palettes visit website.