If you’re looking to add some bohemian flair to your next project, a boho color palette is a great place to start. With a mix of earthy neutrals, bold jewel tones, and rich dark hues, these color schemes capture the free-spirited, eclectic vibe of boho style. Check out some beautiful boho color palettes with hex codes to inspire your next design project.
About boho color palettes
Boho colors are an eclectic mix of earthy and vibrant hues that capture the free-spirited and unconventional vibe of the bohemian lifestyle. The boho color palette draws inspiration from the natural world, incorporating rich earthy tones like rust, terracotta, and sienna, as well as lush greens and blues reminiscent of the ocean and forests. In addition to these natural hues, the boho color palette also features bold and vibrant jewel tones like emerald, amethyst, and sapphire, as well as playful pops of color like fuchsia, orange, and mustard.
What makes the boho color palette unique is its versatility and ability to be mixed and matched in unexpected ways. The combination of earthy tones and vibrant jewel tones creates a rich and layered look that can be both cozy and eclectic. The playful pops of color add a sense of whimsy and playfulness, while the natural hues create a sense of grounding and connection to the earth.
In fashion, the boho color palette is often used to create flowy and comfortable garments that can be layered and mixed to create a unique and bohemian look. In home decor, boho colors are often used to create cozy and inviting spaces with a focus on natural textures and materials like wood, rattan, and woven fabrics.
Overall, the boho color palette is a versatile and expressive option for anyone looking to infuse their designs with a free-spirited and unconventional aesthetic. By incorporating a mix of earthy tones, vibrant jewel tones, and playful pops of color, you can create designs that are both warm and inviting, while capturing the adventurous and creative spirit of the bohemian lifestyle.
Boho color palettes with hex codes contains five colors in one color palette.
Every swatch has five types of color codes which are Hex, RGB, CMYK, LAB and HSB.
These codes are in the table below.
1.Brown boho color palette

Color values (from left to right)
Swatch 1
HEX: BF8085
RGB: 191 128 133
CMYK: 25 56 38 1
LAB: 60 26 8
HSB: 355 33 75
Swatch 2
HEX: 735439
RGB: 115 84 57
CMYK: 43 59 78 33
LAB: 38 11 21
HSB: 28 50 45
Swatch 3
HEX: A67051
RGB: 166 112 81
CMYK: 30 57 71 12
LAB: 53 19 26
HSB: 22 51 65
Swatch 4
RGB: 217 187 176
CMYK: 15 26 26 0
LAB: 78 10 10
HSB: 16 19 85
Swatch 5
HEX: 99443D
RGB: 153 68 61
CMYK: 29 81 75 21
LAB: 40 36 22
HSB: 5 60 60
2. Light pink boho color palette

Color values (from left to right)
Swatch 1
HEX: 73516A
RGB: 115 81 106
CMYK: 55 72 39 18
LAB: 39 18 -9
HSB: 316 30 45
Swatch 2
HEX: 8C7987
RGB: 140 121 135
CMYK: 47 52 35 5
LAB: 53 10 -5
HSB: 316 14 55
Swatch 3
RGB: 242 237 220
CMYK: 4 4 13 0
LAB: 94 0 9
HSB: 46 9 95
Swatch 4
RGB: 217 182 163
CMYK: 15 29 33 0
LAB: 77 11 15
HSB: 21 25 85
Swatch 5
RGB: 191 143 132
CMYK: 25 46 44 1
LAB: 64 18 13
HSB: 11 31 75
3. Boho color palette with hex codes

Color values (from left to right)
Swatch 1
RGB: 201 181 174
CMYK: 22 27 27 0
LAB: 75 7 6
HSB: 16 13 79
Swatch 2
HEX: 401D09
RGB: 64 29 9
CMYK: 48 75 83 70
LAB: 16 16 20
HSB: 22 86 25
Swatch 3
RGB: 217 199 193
CMYK: 14 20 20 0
LAB: 82 6 5
HSB: 15 11 85
Swatch 4
RGB: 191 141 122
CMYK: 25 47 51 2
LAB: 63 18 18
HSB: 17 36 75
Swatch 5
HEX: 734E40
RGB: 115 78 64
CMYK: 42 64 69 33
LAB: 37 15 15
HSB: 16 44 45
4. Modern boho color combination

Color values (from left to right)
Swatch 1
HEX: 687372
RGB: 104 115 114
CMYK: 61 45 49 14
LAB: 47 -4 -1
HSB: 175 10 45
Swatch 2
HEX: 1F261A
RGB: 31 38 26
CMYK: 72 58 76 73
LAB: 14 -5 7
HSB: 95 32 15
Swatch 3
RGB: 242 239 235
CMYK: 4 4 5 0
LAB: 95 1 2
HSB: 34 3 95
Swatch 4
RGB: 191 171 159
CMYK: 26 31 35 0
LAB: 71 6 9
HSB: 23 17 75
Swatch 5
HEX: 73392C
RGB: 115 57 44
CMYK: 36 78 79 40
LAB: 32 25 20
HSB: 11 62 45
5. Muted boho color palette

Color values (from left to right)
Swatch 1
HEX: 8C8080
RGB: 140 128 128
CMYK: 46 45 43 7
LAB: 55 5 2
HSB: 0 9 55
Swatch 2
HEX: 595456
RGB: 89 84 86
CMYK: 62 58 54 30
LAB: 36 2 0
HSB: 336 6 35
Swatch 3
HEX: A28276
RGB: 162 130 118
CMYK: 36 47 50 6
LAB: 57 11 11
HSB: 16 27 64
Swatch 4
RGB: 217 174 150
CMYK: 15 33 39 0
LAB: 75 14 19
HSB: 21 31 85
Swatch 5
RGB: 217 194 186
CMYK: 15 23 22 0
LAB: 80 7 7
HSB: 15 14 85
6. Bright boho color palette

Color values (from left to right)
Swatch 1
HEX: D99F59
RGB: 217 159 89
CMYK: 14 39 75 0
LAB: 70 17 45
HSB: 33 59 85
Swatch 2
RGB: 191 124 42
CMYK: 22 54 100 5
LAB: 58 22 53
HSB: 33 78 75
Swatch 3
RGB: 242 209 201
CMYK: 4 19 15 0
LAB: 87 11 8
HSB: 12 17 95
Swatch 4
HEX: D98673
RGB: 217 134 115
CMYK: 13 56 53 0
LAB: 65 31 24
HSB: 11 47 85
Swatch 5
HEX: 733838
RGB: 115 56 56
CMYK: 38 79 67 38
LAB: 31 26 13
HSB: 0 51 45
7. Aesthetic boho color palettes codes

Color values (from left to right)
Swatch 1
HEX: 261E25
RGB: 38 30 37
CMYK: 71 72 59 71
LAB: 13 5 -3
HSB: 308 21 15
Swatch 2
HEX: 728C82
RGB: 114 140 130
CMYK: 58 33 48 6
LAB: 56 -11 2
HSB: 157 19 55
Swatch 3
RGB: 217 195 176
CMYK: 15 22 29 0
LAB: 80 6 13
HSB: 28 19 85
Swatch 4
HEX: D98859
RGB: 217 136 89
CMYK: 13 54 72 1
LAB: 65 29 39
HSB: 22 59 85
Swatch 5
RGB: 191 46 33
CMYK: 18 95 100 7
LAB: 44 57 44
HSB: 5 83 75
8. Earthy boho color palette

Color values (from left to right)
Swatch 1
RGB: 204 191 171
CMYK: 20 21 32 0
LAB: 78 2 12
HSB: 36 16 80
Swatch 2
HEX: A68051
RGB: 166 128 81
CMYK: 32 47 75 9
LAB: 56 11 31
HSB: 33 51 65
Swatch 3
RGB: 166 92 28
CMYK: 27 68 100 16
LAB: 47 28 48
HSB: 28 83 65
Swatch 4
HEX: A67051
RGB: 166 112 81
CMYK: 30 57 71 12
LAB: 53 19 26
HSB: 22 51 65
Swatch 5
HEX: 734E40
RGB: 115 78 64
CMYK: 42 64 69 33
LAB: 37 15 15
HSB: 16 44 45
9. Boho neutral color palettes codes

Color values (from left to right)
Swatch 1
RGB: 164 191 174
CMYK: 37 14 34 0
LAB: 75 -12 5
HSB: 142 14 75
Swatch 2
HEX: 6A735C
RGB: 106 115 92
CMYK: 58 42 65 19
LAB: 47 -7 12
HSB: 83 20 45
Swatch 3
RGB: 217 206 193
CMYK: 14 16 22 0
LAB: 84 2 8
HSB: 33 11 85
Swatch 4
HEX: A65E44
RGB: 166 94 68
CMYK: 27 68 76 15
LAB: 48 28 28
HSB: 16 59 65
Swatch 5
HEX: 8C402E
RGB: 140 64 46
CMYK: 30 80 84 28
LAB: 37 32 27
HSB: 11 67 55
10. Boho modern color palettes

Color values (from left to right)
Swatch 1
RGB: 215 215 217
CMYK: 15 11 11 0
LAB: 86 0 -1
HSB: 240 1 85
Swatch 2
HEX: 22403A
RGB: 34 64 58
CMYK: 82 53 67 51
LAB: 25 -13 0
HSB: 168 47 25
Swatch 3
HEX: BF9039
RGB: 191 144 57
CMYK: 25 42 94 4
LAB: 63 12 51
HSB: 39 70 75
Swatch 4
HEX: A65C32
RGB: 166 92 50
CMYK: 27 69 90 15
LAB: 47 28 37
HSB: 22 70 65
Swatch 5
HEX: D9A796
RGB: 217 167 150
CMYK: 14 37 37 0
LAB: 73 17 16
HSB: 15 31 85
11. Dark boho color palettes codes

Color codes (from left to right)
Swatch 1
HEX: 402B2B
RGB: 64 43 43
CMYK: 56 71 64 62
LAB: 20 10 4
HSB: 0 33 25
Swatch 2
HEX: 732432
RGB: 115 36 50
CMYK: 35 91 68 40
LAB: 27 36 11
HSB: 349 69 45
Swatch 3
RGB: 191 97 63
CMYK: 20 72 82 7
LAB: 53 37 37
HSB: 16 67 75
Swatch 4
HEX: A66D60
RGB: 166 109 96
CMYK: 31 60 59 10
LAB: 52 22 17
HSB: 11 42 65
Swatch 5
RGB: 217 189 186
CMYK: 14 25 21 0
LAB: 79 10 5
HSB: 6 14 85
12. Modern boho color palettes

Color codes (from left to right)
Swatch 1
RGB: 191 178 153
CMYK: 27 26 40 0
LAB: 73 2 15
HSB: 39 20 75
Swatch 2
HEX: 594D36
RGB: 89 77 54
CMYK: 54 55 76 41
LAB: 33 2 16
HSB: 39 39 35
Swatch 3
HEX: A67A53
RGB: 166 122 83
CMYK: 31 51 73 10
LAB: 55 14 28
HSB: 28 50 65
Swatch 4
RGB: 140 60 31
CMYK: 29 82 99 29
LAB: 36 33 34
HSB: 16 78 55
Swatch 5
RGB: 191 71 44
CMYK: 18 85 96 7
LAB: 47 48 42
HSB: 11 77 75
In conclusion, the boho color palette is a versatile and expressive option for anyone looking to infuse their design projects with a free-spirited and unconventional aesthetic. With its rich earthy tones, vibrant jewel tones, and playful pops of color, this palette captures the bohemian spirit that is popular in fashion, home decor, and graphic design. Whether you’re looking to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere or add some bohemian flair to your designs, the boho color palette offers a wide range of options to explore. By drawing on the natural world and incorporating bold and eclectic accents, you can create designs that are both warm and inviting while capturing the free-spirited and unconventional vibe of the bohemian lifestyle.